How Video Can Serve Your Business in 2021 - 4 Simple Pillars

February 25, 2021

By now, it goes without saying that the world we once knew will never be the same. 2020 was a rollercoaster for everyone, and in business, forced many organizations to pivot into a more digital world. 

58% of consumers trust a brand with videos more than a brand without (Animoto, 2019 [imagine how much higher this % is now]). 

Videos are shared on social media 1200% more than images and text combined (Social Media Today, 2019).

It can’t be overstated, video marketing has become a dominant tool for reaching and acquiring customers. The old saying stands true, a picture says a 1,000 words. In 2021 it’s more like a picture says a thousand words but a video says a million and the numbers are here to  back it up. 

“85% of internet users in the United States watch video monthly (Statista, 2018).” “87% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool (Wyzowl, 2019)” “72% of people prefer to use video over text when learning about a product or service. (Smart Insights, 2019). 

I’ll say it again… 72% of people prefer to use video over text when learning about a product or service. 

The data is clear, if your company is not using video marketing today then you are at risk of being left behind. In this fast paced world, with shrinking attention spans, information must be compressed, in a way that is clear and gets your value across to the customer effectively. 

If you are unfamiliar with video marketing and do not know where to begin, don’t panic. I have laid out Chico Media Group’s 4 simple pillars we use to outline high quality videos for businesses just like yours. Let's get rolling.

WHY do you need video?

Step 1 (well, I’d argue step 0), is to think about why you’re interested in using video within your business in the first place. Is it just because someone in a Podcast (or some guy by the name of Connor) told you it was necessary? Maybe you keep hearing the buzz about how awesome social media marketing is? Truth is, while yes, everyone can benefit from video, your marketing dollars could also be well spent elsewhere. Many videographers will completely breeze past this step when working with your business because all they’re interested in is creating pretty pictures for you, that 9 out of 10 times, don’t convert to sales. You need to approach video from a strategic standpoint, before that of an artistic one. Are you aiming for brand recognition, locally or globally? Are you looking to attract new, high-quality hires by showing how great your company is? Are you selling a product and need to track your ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) associated with the video material? These are just a few of the questions to consider when thinking about why you need video. If you’re interested in going deeper, we offer a free 30 minute video strategy session where you’ll walk away with a much stronger understanding of why and how your business can benefit with video. 

Who are you talking to?

It is important to understand who your target customer, or as we like to call it, your ICA (Ideal Customer Avatar) is so you won’t waste time creating a generic video that says a lot but means nothing. Pretend that you're sharing your company's story with your ICA. Who are they and what are you welcoming them to be part of? How will they respond from watching your video? How do you want them to feel? Are you being authentic? This will give you a guideline for deciding how to approach the video(s) and what the deliverables should look like. 

What value does your video give to your target customer?

What is the intended value you want the viewer to get from the video? Do you want them to laugh or cry? Will they learn something practical or stimulating? Can they solve their problem from watching the video? By adding value to the viewers life, you already deposit a piece of trust between them and your brand. Otherwise the viewer must take the initiative to establish a relationship, and with uncountable organizations competing for their attention, this can be very difficult.  It is best for you to take the first step.

How are you different?

Why eat at your restaurant and not at the one closer to my home? Why should I spend five dollars on your coffee and not just use my Keurig? Your value must be clearly defined and personable. If you are selling soap and your pitch is that it will make you clean, how do you stand out? You don’t. If instead you say that your soap removes dirt 50% quicker than your competitors and will give you smoother skin, leaving you feeling ready to dominate the week ahead, then you have differentiated yourself from the competition. Telling your brand story is one of the best ways of setting yourself apart. Every successful or growing business has something like this, that video can be used to share. For example, we’ve worked with Construction companies where placing an emphasis on community and family is what makes them stand out from the crowd. Because they were able to communicate, in a true and authentic way, to their ICA that they truly care about their community, their community returned the favor with more business. 

What should your target customer do now?

The whole point of creating a marketing video is to get your target customer to take an intended action. Do you want them to buy your product? Give a reference to a friend? Take a personal action for a social cause? If your target customer likes your video but does nothing about it, then the video is unsuccessful. Define what your success looks like and give your audience an easy way to act. The simplest decision is usually the best. 

If you found this post helpful please consider sharing it with a friend who might also enjoy it. If you’re interested in getting a video produced for your business in Chico or around Northern California, but aren’t quite sure where to start or what you need, book your free 30 minute strategy session with us today! 

Get in touch with Chico Media Group